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Juni 23, 2021Neuer Technologiepartner: ArtifaktLatest news: a new partnership with Artifakt: an all-in-one platform that helps developers deploy, host, and manage web applications on an enterprise-grade cloud infrastructure.Mehr erfahren
Juni 14, 2021Miniserie: Eine DOP für das Auftragsmanagement?In 2021, 50% of commerce companies are soon acquiring, upgrading, or planning to work on their digital solutions. There are many solutions out there, but which ones fit your company best? We think we have a solution that fits into many of the most sought-after features. In this Miniseries, we introduce you to the Digital Operations Platform.Mehr erfahren
Juni 14, 2021Miniserie: Eine DOP für das Inventarmanagement?In 2021, 50% of commerce companies are soon acquiring, upgrading, or planning to work on their digital solutions. There are many solutions out there, but which ones fit your company best? We think we have a solution that fits into many of the most sought-after features. In this Miniseries, we introduce you to the Digital Operations Platform.Mehr erfahren
Juni 14, 2021Miniserie: Eine DOP für das Omnichannel Produktmanagement?In 2021, 50% of commerce companies are soon acquiring, upgrading, or planning to work on their digital solutions. There are many solutions out there, but which ones fit your company best? We think we have a solution that fits into many of the most sought-after features. In this Miniseries, we introduce you to the Digital Operations Platform.Mehr erfahren
Juni 14, 2021Bekanntgabe der Partnerschaft mit RazoyoMehr erfahren
Mai 18, 2021Bekanntgabe der Partnerschaft mit MemotecWe are happy to announce our new partnership with Memotec. MEMOTEC is a digital agency from Germany and has been developing eCommerce solutions for companies since 1998.Mehr erfahren
April 22, 2021Neue Version: Marello 3.1Mehr erfahren
April 15, 2021ERP vs. DOP: Schluss mit ERP, es ist Zeit für DOP!Mehr erfahren
April 12, 2021Bekanntgabe der Partnerschaft mit ITB CommerceWe are excited to announce our new partnership with ITB Commerce. ITB Commerce is a software integrator located in Dubai, U.A.E. They provide end-to-end, easy, and affordable Open SaaS eCommerce solutions to connect your business with online consumers and empower them with integrated technology to grow.Mehr erfahren
Februar 22, 2021Digital Operations Platform – Teil 3 – Vorteile einer DOPIn this three-part blog, we will introduce you to the benefits of a DOP. What challenges does it overcome, and why is it a future-proof solution for your business? In part three, we will discuss how a DOP can benefit your business.Mehr erfahren
Januar 28, 2021Digital Operations Platform – Teil 2 – Auf dem Weg zu einer einheitlichen LösungIn this three-part blog, we will introduce you to the Digital Operations Platform. We'll tell you about what changes are going on in the omnichannel landscape, what challenges arise because of it, and how a DOP can be a future-proof solution for your business. In part two, we will discuss how legacy systems do not longer support the modern omnichannel business.Mehr erfahren
Januar 12, 2021Digital Operations Platform – Teil 1 – Omnichannel auf der nächsten EbeneIn this three-part blog, we will introduce you to the Digital Operations Platform. We'll tell you about what changes are going on in the omnichannel landscape, what challenges arise because of it, and how a DOP can be a future-proof solution for your business. In part one, we will dive into how omnichannel selling has changed over the pas 15 years, and what this means in terms of customer expectations.Mehr erfahren